Current Catchphrase

I know some of us have a word for the year. Something that calls to us or something to focus our intentions on. You can read about my word for the year here. While I like having that specific word, after having Shep, I’ve also been drawn to a specific phrase: Just try Baby didn’t …

The Best Money We’ve Spent Lately…

We’ve been pondering the idea of a play set for awhile now and after some research and lots of searching, we took the plunge! Our neighborhood has a great playground but it stays pretty crowded and with having a little one on the way and expecting to continue to spending plenty of time at home, we decided we wanted to get our own thing. Plus, Pfeiffer loved the idea of having her very own swing.

2020: Lost a lot but we gained more

2020, it’s been a strange year. Ups and downs. Toilet paper and meat shortages (which, PSA, you can survive off zero meat, folks, but zero TP, I don’t want to try). We’ve evaluated our lives and then reevaluated them. Tried to figure out what the eff is happening. Who we are and what was going on. It truly was a year unlike any other I’ve seen (and hopefully ever see again).