Just start…

I’ve had this blog for almost two years and have yet to publish a single post. I’ve drafted plenty but always stopped myself before making them visible for all to see. I wouldn’t call myself a perfectionist but I am a bit OCD and have ideas in my head of how I want things to go/look/be and along with that, I, like most people, deal with some self-doubt. So while these ideas are floating around my head wanting to burst out and be given life, I’ve always stopped before letting them. Instead I spent time worrying what the theme of my blog should be, if anyone would care to read it, if anyone would like it if they did read it, and so on leaving me to question what the point was. Then, after a combination of getting annoyed with myself for continuing to not do something I knew deep down I wanted to do and listening to the book You are a Badass, I decided it’s time to start and just go for it. This book has sucked me in and made me feel high on life. I cannot recommend this book enough. Buy it and listen to it (or read it) and get excited about life. It’s a game changer.

If something keeps coming up in your mind, there is probably a reason for it. Listen to it and act on it. Don’t overanalyze it or procrastinate. Writing has always been an interest of mine but nothing I’ve thought I could/would/should share but I’m tossing my doubts and insecurities aside and diving in. There is something exciting, freeing, and rewarding about feeling as though you are opening your soul up to other people and I am so glad to finally act on it and I know I will wish I had started sooner.

This is just the beginning of my thoughts being brought to life via the wonderful World Wide Web and I’m excited for the journey. I hope you’ll find something you like, find interesting, and/or can relate to and will come back for more.

Do you have anything you want or need to start? That Pinterest project that has been pinned for months? That resolution you promised to begin January 1st but still haven’t? That workout program you keep putting off? That book you would love to read? Just start…

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  1. Ugh where was this blog when you were traveling to to say Ireland or perhaps Fiji??!!! I love you but you’ve got some blogging to do!!! 👏💓🌴


  2. So proud of you love! This is inspiring 🙂 As Brene Brown says, vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy and creativity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.


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